Acupuncture Services





Acupuncture Services

Acupuncture Follow up





Cupping is a vascular dilation modality that is especially helpful in treating problems in local areas. It is very helpful in expelling the external pathogenic factors of wind-cold and wind-heat which can affect the lungs. Cups are also useful in moving tightness and relieving stiffness along the related meridian.


Follow Up Treatments - 10



Initial Premium Consultation


Your initial visit includes: Initial Exam, Dietary Consultation, Treatment, AcuGraph Scan & Results, and a Dental Assessment. This appointment can take 60 to 90 minutes.

Initial Basic Consultation


Your initial visit includes: Initial Exam, Dietary Consultation, Treatment and a Dental Assessment. This appointment can take 60 to 90 minutes.

Follow up Consultation

This is a package treatment that serves as a follow up from your initial treatment assessment in order to address your concerns. This can include: acupuncture, cupping, gua sha and more.


Gold Package


"Treat yourself to our Gold Package!🥇 This package includes: (4) Ionic Foot Bath Sessions (4) 5-Point Ear/Auricular Acupuncture Treatments (2) Acoustic Wave and Chakra Bed Session with Gunalight (2) AcuGraph Assessments (1) Supplement/Herbal Formula for Wellness"

Silver Package


"Treat yourself to our Silver Package!🥈 This package includes: (2) Ionic Foot Bath and Foot Jacuzzi Sessions (2) 5-Point Ear/Auricular Acupuncture Treatments (1) Acoustic Wave and Chakra Bed Session with Gunalight (1) AcuGraph Assessment"

Bronze Package


"Treat yourself to our Bronze Package!🥉 This package includes: (1) Ionic Foot Bath and Foot Jacuzzi Sessions (2) 5-Point Ear/Auricular Acupuncture Treatments"